Quickstart tutorial
You can generate a machine code decoder with mcdecoder by defining specifications of machine code. In this tutorial, you’ll see how to define machine code specifications and generate a decoder from the specification.
The guide steps of the tutorial are:
Introduce an example instruction encoding to be decoded
Write an MC description to express the encoding
Check if the MC description is working
Generate a decoder from the MC description
Run the decoder from a C client code
1. Introduce an example instruction encoding to be decoded
In this tutorial, We use the ARM instructions below as an example.
ADD (immediate, ARM) Encoding A1
PUSH Encoding A1
We ignore instruction matching conditions using field values (e.g. Rn == 0b1111 and S == 0) here for simplicity.
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cond |
0 0 |
1 |
0 1 0 0 |
S |
Rn |
Rn |
imm12 |
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cond |
1 0 0 1 0 0 |
1 |
0 |
1 1 0 1 |
register_list |
2. Write an MC description to express the encoding
Write machine code specifications as a file. In mcdecoder, we call it a machine code description file or an MC description file. It’s defined as a YAML format.
You must add a sequence element of instructions
for each instruction.
Name each instruction and define an instruction encoding in format
according to the encoding introduced before.
See MC description specification to understand the grammar of MC description.
Make arm.yaml
with the following content.
byteorder: little
- name: add_immediate_a1
format: xxxx:cond|00|1|0100|x:S|xxxx:Rn|xxxx:Rd|xxxx xxxx xxxx:imm12
- name: push_a1
format: xxxx:cond|1001 00|1|0|1101|xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx:register_list
3. Check if the MC description is working
Now you have a minimum MC description.
Let’s check if it is working.
For this, you can use mcdecoder emulate
to emulate a decoder behavior.
Input the machine code e28db004
for example.
It means add FP, SP, #4
in ARM assembly language
and the fields in its encoding format should be:
Rn = 13 (which is R13 or SP)
Rd = 11 (which is R11 or FP)
imm12 = 4
Run the command:
mcdecoder emulate arm.yaml --input e28db004
Its output will be…
instruction: add_immediate_a1
cond: 14, 0xe, 0b1110
S: 0, 0x0, 0b0
Rn: 13, 0xd, 0b1101
Rd: 11, 0xb, 0b1011
imm12: 4, 0x4, 0b100
Fine. It looks working.
See Command line option specification for more information
about emulate
sub-command if you’d like.
4. Generate a decoder from the MC description
Run mcdecoder generate
command to generate a decoder
from the MC description.
mcdecoder generate --output out arm.yaml
You’ll get generated files below:
├── mcdecoder.c
└── mcdecoder.h
See Command line option specification for more details
about generate
sub-command if you’d like.
5. Run the decoder from a C client code
Create a C client code to test the function of the generated decoder.
Use a decoder API DecodeInstruction
in the client.
bool DecodeInstruction(const DecodeRequest *request, DecodeResult *result);
In the client code, input the machine code e28db004
as you did with mcdecoder emulate
and check if the result is the same.
Make the following C client code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "out/mcdecoder.h"
int main(void) {
/* Machine codes to be decoded */
const uint8_t kMachineCodes[] = {
0x04, 0xB0, 0x8D, 0xE2, /* add FP, SP, #4 */
/* Decode an instruction */
DecodeRequest request;
DecodeResult result;
bool succeeded;
request.codes = &kMachineCodes[0];
succeeded = DecodeInstruction(&request, &result);
/* Decoding succeeded? */
if (!succeeded) {
printf("Decoding failed.\n");
} else {
printf("Decoding succeeded.\n");
/* Which instruction is decoded? */
switch (result.instruction_id) {
case InstructionId_k_add_immediate_a1:
/* Get the decoded result of add_immediate_a1 */
printf("Instruction: add_immediate_a1\n");
printf("Rn: %d\nRd: %d\nimm12: %d\n", result.instruction.add_immediate_a1.Rn, result.instruction.add_immediate_a1.Rd,
case InstructionId_k_push_a1:
/* Handle push_a1 */
case InstructionId_kUnknown:
/* Handle an unknown instruction */
return 0;
Now compile and execute the client code to get the decoding result.
gcc client.c out/mcdecoder.c
The result will be:
Decoding succeeded.
Instruction: add_immediate_a1
Rn: 13
Rd: 11
imm12: 4
Good! It coincides with the result of mcdecoder emulate
the tutorial is over.
See MC decoder API specification for more details about the decoder API. You can see example files in the tutorial in github.
What’s next?
Other useful mcdecoder commands
mcdecoder check
: Check the integrity of your MC descriptionYou can check your MC description if
there are no instructions for a certain bit pattern or
there are multiple instructions for a certain bit pattern.
mcdecoder export
: Export the MC description as CSV formatYou can see all instructions at a glance in CSV view and filter instructions with spreadsheet apps like Google Spreadsheet or Excel.
User templates: Create your own template
If you need your custom decoder or additional codes to support your decoder, you can create your own templates.