README: mcdecoder
The mcdecoder (Machine Code Decoder) is a set of tools to implement a machine code decoder. It includes tools to:
Generate a decoder for a user-defined machine code specification
Emulate a decoder for a binary data and show decoded result
Check the integrity of a machine code specification
Currently, the mcdecoder only generates decoders in C language.
Define your machine code specification
arm.yamlmachine: byteorder: little instructions: - name: add_immediate_a1 format: xxxx:cond|00|1|0100|x:S|xxxx:Rn|xxxx:Rd|xxxx xxxx xxxx:imm12
Generate a decoder
mcdecoder generate arm.yaml
Use the decoder from a C client
const uint8_t kMachineCodes[] = { 0x04, 0xB0, 0x8D, 0xE2, }; DecodeRequest request; DecodeResult result; bool succeeded; = &kMachineCodes[0]; succeeded = DecodeInstruction(&request, &result);
For more details, follow Installation steps below and go on to Quickstart tutorial.
Who is mcdecoder for
Developers of a CPU emulator
To implement the decoder part of an emulator
Developers of a static analyzer for machine codes
To implement the decoder part of an analyzer
Learners of the basics about machine codes
Hands-on approach to learn: write and test actual machine codes
Implementing and maintaining a decoder are tough and cumbersome. The mcdecoder soothes these pains by generating a decoder. The mcdecoder was originally developed for athrill, a CPU emulator. It is now independent from athrill.
Python 3.10 (with pip)
python3.10 -m pip install mcdecoder
The mcdecoder uses MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.