C coding style
The coding style of mcdecoder in C is based on Google C++ Style Guide. The mcdecoder adds some modifications to it because it is for C++ and some codes in mcdecoder are generated by a tool.
Exceptions to the rule
For type names, constant names, function names and enumerator names:
- This project
You can use underscores to split the namespace part, the base part and the generated part: <namespace>_<base>_<generated>. The namespace part and the generated part are optional.
Type: DecodeRequest, arm_DecodeResult, DecodeRequest_add, riscv_DecodeResult_push, etc.
Constant: kInstructionIdMax, arm_kDecodeErrorsMax, kInstructionIdMax_add, riscv_kDecodeErrorsMax_push, etc.
Function: DecodeInstruction, arm_PrintInstruction, DecodeInstruction_add, riscv_PrintInstruction_push, etc.
Enumeration type: InstructionId, arm_DecodeErrors, InstructionId_add, riscv_DecodeErrors_push, etc.
Enumerator: InstructionId_kUnknown, arm_DecodeErrors_kOk, InstructionId_k_add, riscv_DecodeErrors_k_push, etc.
- Original
With no underscores.
- Rationale
There are the following reasons to support this.
C language doesn’t support namespaces, so we use the namespace prefix to separate the namespaces among symbols.
To clarify the boundary between the fixed part and the generated part of a type name, we put underscore symbol between them.
You can see also the original ‘Naming’.
Naming / Enumerator Names
- This project
Use an enumeration type name prefix in an enumerator name: <enumeration_type>_<enumerator>.
Examples: InstructionId_kUnknown, DecodeErrors_kOk, etc.
- Original
Enumerators are named with a leading “k”.
- Rationale
C language doesn’t support enumeration type qualifier to specify an enumerator, so we use an enumeration type prefix to correct the ambiguity among enumeration types.
You can see also the original ‘Naming / Enumerator Names’.
Formatting / Line length
- This project
127 characters is the maximum.
- Original
80 characters is the maximum.
- Rationale
80 characters are too short and make it code vertically longer and less readable in my opinion.
You can see also the original ‘Formatting / Line length’.
Addition to the rule
C Version
- Rule
Code should target C11, i.e., should not use C18 features.
- Rationale
To be portable to environments supporting C11 and above.
Comments / Comment Style
/** */
in API comments and/* */
for others.To identify API comments from Doxygen.